Preston Crawford wrote:
On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 05:55 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Red Hat bashing is not good though. As I said before, without their outstanding commitment to open source the community would be in the same boat as we are with Mandriva and Novell.
(Not that either of those companies are BAD either ... they also provide code back into the chain and they do support open source as well. They just don't make it easy to clone their Enterprise Software)
Great post. I agree 100%. Want to bash someone, bash Apple and how they like to sue anyone who even talks about their software, much less modifies it. Red Hat is a great company providing a great service. And, I might add, I think they benefit from it as well. Yeah, I don't pay for RHEL on my home computer, but prior to using CentOS I used SuSE. Now I use CentOS and guess what my recommendation is going to be the next time I'm consulting on a project that wants to buy a Linux distro? You guessed it probably. RHEL.
Given the current propensity for SCO to sue Linux vendors, it's somewhat amusing to me that I'm using FC2 to develop programs eventually targeted for SCO.
Has everyone read the white paper Oh, dear, I've lost the URL! I have a copy. Anyway, some fellow predicted that if Solaris, SCO et. al. didn't stop sueing each other and get together with some open source, then everyone would be moving to Linux.