William L. Maltby wrote:
On Fri, 2008-12-05 at 14:53 -0500, Andrew Hull wrote:
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
I have a location using a CentOS 5 server that's multihomed running Asterisk and iptables for internal web access.
Recently some sales people got busted surfing some explicit content so the owner wants something in there to block this.
I had heard of Dans Guardian and am reading about what's involved here but just wanted an opinion on what's the best solution for this. NTLM silent auth would be an asset, but the lan is simple and the owner doesn't need granular control if it would be complicated.
What are you guys using with good results?/ Thanks? jlc
I'm not sure if the latest has all the features OP is seeking, but I've been using IPCop for ages with NP (which means I've not really visited the site and browsed as I should). It has a decent Web interface for administration, ability to block ports, custom Iptables rules inclusion support, squid proxy capability, etc. Has Green/Red/Blue/Orange zone support. I've run it on my old Pentium 200MHz with 96MB and got 900MB/sec from good sites through my Road Runner turbo link (w/10/100 Mb nics). With 2xGB nics on an AMD K7 @ 360MHz, 1.2MB/sec.
Easy install, administration and upgrade path. Biggest weakness is that docs seem to lag severly sometimes.
And it's FREE open source based on LFS (2.4 kernels?). Find it here.
<snip sig stuff>
Hi Bill, I've never used IPCop (opting for m0n0wall instead), but I was under the impression that IPCop lacked any content filtering features requested by the OP.
A quick perusing of the website leads me to believe its trying to be a kick-ass beige-box firewall/router (and most-likely succeeding), but it seems like a content filter it is not. Did I miss some glaring features?
Thanks for the conservation, Andy