Mark Weaver wrote:
On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 00:01 +0200, Pavel SRB wrote:
this was my nightmare for about few days. I was and still am running hdd install of knoppix 4.02 on main pc and second testing pc with (win xp, debian, knoppix, kbuntu,ubuntu, freebsd and now centos :o). Using Belkin KVM for two computers.
The only solution i found was to put " psmouse.proto=imps "to grub. It is also working when booting knoppix live cd as cheat code. But did not succed on *buntu. I did not test it on Centos, as i am only using terminal.
good luck
Pavel SRB
Hi Pavel,
That sounds interesting, but I'm still wondering what happens at boot time that makes the mouse function properly and gets broken when I toggle the KVM?
Hi Mark
Mouse(genius netscrool + eye) and keyboard are both ps/2. If you remember old mouses had a button on bottom for two options: mouse and x11 (or something like that). So i believe that win want to use IMPS.
I also found many info when using google : KVM linux Windows mouse problem
But to be honest, i believe the mouse was also crazy when switching between two linux systems.