On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 21:21 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
I'm using it - and crashing regularly with a raid on firewire setup...
Well, that's just asking for trouble on most platforms (NT and Darwin included).
Other than that oddball configuration it might be OK now, but look at all the updates you have to download after an install to get that mostly-usable version.
Was this any different then RHL7.x/RHAS2.1? It adopted the 2.4 kernel early too. Then FC1/RHEL3 has a latter 2.4 kernel, and things worked much better.
Now we have a new 2.6 kernel in FC3/RHEL4. Things are going to take time to mature. So I'd stick with FC1/RHEL3 for now, until FC5/RHEL5 come out.
If they'd roll out a respin with the fixes on new install images when the initial bugs are mostly fixed it might be reasonable to use.
??? Don't you know how to mix in your own RPMS into an install?