after an update from 6.6 to 6.7 the following error message is logged to /var/log/messages when I login (per ssh):
Aug 11 16:31:21 a1234 automount[1598]: set_tsd_user_vars: failed to get passwd info from getpwuid_r
Did some more tests:
Compiled autofs with logging of UID/GID in autofs-function "set_tsd_user_vars". Just before the error is logged, autofs tries to get password info for e.g. UID 409651584 and GID 4294936577 (witch don't exist). Then error message is logged.
A fully updated 6.7 system running latest 6.6 kernel (2.6.32-504.30.3.el6.x86_64) won't print the error message. I checked the changelog of kernel 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64 and found some autofs patches since version 504.30.3.
But I can't test an further because the kernel-srpm didn't include single patches anymore.
Maybe someone with deeper kernel knowledge has an idea?
Best regards, Ralf