HI All,
I think good idea to create repository for my own application. So next time user only add repository for my own application and just type
"yum install myapplication"
And everything working well. This is really good idea.
Any reference for create a repository as you said for my own application ?
My consideration also about internet connection as Own said.One of advantage of using ISO is user can use my own application without internet connection becauase all of them are bunlded on ISO.
On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Lamar Owen lowen@pari.edu wrote:
On 08/01/2013 10:43 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 08/01/2013 09:22 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
On 08/01/2013 04:10 AM, Iftakhul Anwar wrote:
Actually i want bundle my own application with Centos, same which have
Clear OS. So one .iso bundle with my own application and configuration.
Any suggestion ?
You could use revisor to do this, ... (since I'm not the OP.....)
You could also just provide your software as a repository to install on top of CentOS.
ISOs are so 20th Century now anyway.
I certainly agree with the idea that the OP should consider making a repo of the additional application, but I also understand why something like remastersys is useful, being that I use A/V Linux for its particular (and not-Internet-connected) purpose in my multitrack studio. There's more to a system than packages, and not all customizations are kickstart-able. And many uses for such don't need Internet, and a spun ISO is needed for those instances.
The OP asked a pretty specific question, and the answer to his specific original question is probably that revisor will do the closest job to what remastersys does of any tool currently available in the CentOS world.
And, in fact, remastersys is no longer readily available from its author. A donation can get the sources, but it was, prior to April 2013, easily obtained and used.
I'm not so sure that ISO's are 'so 20th Century now' though. But that's a different discussion. As a reference, see the WSUSOfflineUpdate project for Windows.....
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