On Tuesday 27 Sep 2011 19:08:53 Les Mikesell wrote:
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Alfred von Campe alfred@von-campe.com
Why do you think dnscache won't help? Caching is not restricted to your
local domain.
I guess I forgot to mention that only the first query is slow. If you
repeat the query, the response is fast, so it's already being cached
somewhere. I always assumed that's how DNS worked. So in order to test
this "slowness", I have to keep thinking of domains to look up.
DNS servers normally do cache, but clients don't. Are you running
named locally on each machine and pointing resolv.conf to localhost?
He's running nscd which caches DNS (group 'hosts' in /etc/nscd.conf).
Michael Gliwinski
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