2009/9/18 Ned Slider ned@unixmail.co.uk:
Sergio Belkin wrote:
2009/9/18 Ned Slider ned@unixmail.co.uk:
Sergio Belkin wrote:
I'd want know get thermal information on Centos 5.3 but get nohting. If I run acpitool -e, it outputs:
acpitool -e Kernel version : 2.6.18- - ACPI version : 20060707
Why are you asumming so quickly that is not a Centos kernel?
Because this is what the output from 'acpitool -e' looks like for me:
$ acpitool -e Kernel version : 2.6.18-164.el5 - ACPI version : 20060707
and your output shows 2.6.18- which is not a CentOS kernel format (to my knowledge?). I might be wrong, and am happy to be corrected if I am :)
Yes you're wrong :)
acpitool output it's not the same that uname -r. I mean it doesn't show rpm package name.
rpm -qi kernel Name : kernel Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : 2.6.18 Vendor: CentOS Release : 92.el5 Build Date: Tue 10 Jun
Which is not the kernel you've shown running above??
Well, I explained it above. Sorry for my terrible sin, It is not Centos 5.3 but 5.2.
Links Kernel used is below:
What's wrong with you?
Nothing, I was trying to help.
Have a nice weekend.
Sorry for I was rude Ned, but I am somewhat sick of answers of people that don't want to help about anything and only know to give moral advices and ask "are you really using a system of every package Centos that has been blessed?". Hey, of course I ask here because I use CentOS at work, and because supposedly there are people that has experience using ir on daily basis.
Have a nice day