Am 13.07.2008 um 22:14 schrieb Ryan Nichols:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
If it works ok on the old kernel, it should also work OK on the new one.
Not if it's a binary-driver...
CentOS mailing list
ata1.00: status { DRDY } over and over
No idea what i broke..
You upgraded the kernel...
Seriously - if this driver is not included in the vanilla- or distribution-kernel, get the heck rid of it (the hardware). With very few exceptions it's usually not worth the trouble. One of these exceptions is Areca (don't know if the driver is in now RHEL/CentOS) - the guy maintaining the driver at Areca actually responds to email enquiries. But then, they distribute source and not BLOBs.
cheers, Rainer