Keith Roberts wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012, wrote:
Anyone got a preferred program or package for this? I'd like a *good* one, and Word or OO.o's save as html in no way qualifies as other than amateur crap.
So far, with a little googling, I've found the wv package. wvHtml works, but I don't like the output - it insists on <div>, and on &rhquo instead of plain, simple ".
I think Abiword can read and write those formats.
Given that both Word and OO.o produce such lousy, uselessly cluttered html, I'm a tad loathe to install another wp... and I really just wanted a command line conversion tool.
As a side note, I tried quanta about 6 years ago, and that did lousy things to my html, too (going from edit to display and back, I think it was, unformatted the *whole* document, left justifying all, even when I *told* it to leave formatting...), so I'm not wildly crazed with web editing programs.
As my own personal web page reads, "this page proudly built in vi"....