we have been using the 64-bit and 32-bit java 1.4 and 1.5 .bin installers on Centos 4.3, 4.4 with very much success, so if you are looking to get the Java capabilities you might not need to search for an RPM per se.
We keep a very bare machine (no centos java package, etc.) and have a whole step-by-step recipe for getting all the usual java webapps working with very little hassle...
Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 05:28:12PM -0500, Edward Diener enlightened us:
I did not choose Java when I installed CentOS 4.4 and I want to install a JDK to do Java programming. What is the default Java JDK for CentOS 4.4 ? I see under YumEx very little which looks like a Java JDK. Is there one in the distribution ? Is there a way to get Sun's latest JDK 5 installed safely and successfully on CentOS 4.4, perhaps via an RPM for it tailored to CentOS 4.4, or should I just use the one on Sun's web site ? After installing the RPM is there anything else I have to do to get it to work properly in CentOS 4.4 ? Any help is gratefully appreciated.
See jpackage.org for a .nosrc.rpm to use with Sun's Java.