At that point I pass it over to puppet personally. Used to use cfengine, but there are aspects I prefer when it comes to puppet; your mileage may of course vary.
well, refer back to my initial email on the subject. Its how you split state and policy - puppet isnt all that great at state management but does a great job of policy management and enforcement for that state.
But then again it depends on how you play your setup, and exactly how you define what 'management' really is.
I am personally not that big fan of Puppet, as things are getting quite complex in large scenarios and as Puppet does not scale well (this has been improved in the latest version if you are using passenger instead of webrick).
If you are willed to set up complex configurations with depends and variables, Puppet may be a good choice. In addition of Cobbler or TheForeman you will get provisioning functionality, too. IMHO you should also be familiar with Ruby, too.
Spacewalk is one single tool for all Lifecycle Management task. It is capable of bare provisioning (using Cobbler integration), re-provisioning (using Koan), configuration management, errata generation and package management. It also scales quite well if you are using Oracle Standalone instead of XE. With PostgreSQL, a free database backend will be integrated in the near future.
We are using Satellite/Spacewalk to manage about 2500 Clients and Servers.
Best Regards Marcus