Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 04:39:00PM -0000, Nigel Kendrick enlightened us:
-----Original Message-----
Tom Diehl wrote:
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Todd Cary wrote:
My version of Centos (4.4) comes with php 4.3.9. Since I run Interbase on the server, I need to recompile the php with Interbase. The only php I have found is 4.4 which I have downloaded and untarred as well as configuring it with Interbase, doing the make and make install.
Where I am lost is on having Apache (httpd) use it rather than the 4.3.9 ( ).
When I do the make install, where does it go?
Why not save yourself a ton of grief and rebuild the .srpm that came with your version of CentOS?
This is strange as I have downloaded PHP 4.4.x from and recompiled it on about 5 CentOS 4.4. boxes without problems - once I had all the dependencies sorted :-) - I've got it down to about a 10 minute job now.
Assuming by "downloaded from" you mean you got the tarball and did it, congratulations, you just ruined the entire point of a Package-Managed system.
See for why you shouldn't do that.
Matt -
Though my skills as a System Administrator are very limited, I do want, if possible, keep a Package-Managed system. I do have the .src.rpm file for the PHP. What I need help with is how to recompile it (I assume that I would use rpmbuild) and REPLACE the currently installed version with the new version.