On 02/09/2015 04:25 PM, PatrickD Garvey wrote:
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Kahlil Hodgson kahlil.hodgson@dealmax.com.au wrote:
On 10 February 2015 at 10:15, PatrickD Garvey
patrickdgarveyt@gmail.com wrote:
Please allow me to make sure I am perceiving this correctly, reports of errors found in RedHat documentation are to be reported against the Fedora Documentation product type in the RedHat bugzilla? and reports of errors found in Fedora documentation are, also, to be reported against the Fedora Documentation product type in the RedHat bugzilla?
I don't know officially, but I'm making a guess that, since the two documents are clearly related and have the same authors, if you see the same error in the Fedora document and you report it, it will probably get fixed in both. The Fedora document explicitly solicits bug reports, but I don't see the same in the RedHat one. Worth a shot don't you think? Maybe submit a small bug report and see what the response is like?
That's a testable starting point. Thanks. _______________________________________________
Officially, no, the "Fedora Documentation" bz product isn't there for Red Hat guides. If you want to file a bug against a RHEL guide, choose your version of RHEL then look for the guide's component - these days, they all start with "doc-", which should make the search easy.
Unofficially, there's a nonzero chance that your bug will find a writer that plays in both spaces, or that we'll be able reassign the bug to the correct component for you. But please, don't make work for Fedora volunteers when there are people standing by getting paid to handle your bugs :)