On 04/04/2011 06:47 AM, Markus Falb wrote:
On 3.4.2011 23:57, Steve Clark wrote:

Big issue I saw with Scientific Linux was a lack of commitment to long
term support matching what RedHat and Centos provide.
This seems to be true.


Assuming that CentOS is supporting as long as RedHat:

CentOS 5 until March 31, 2014
SL 5 until at least 2012-02-02

CentOS 6 until November 30, 2017
SL 6 until at least 2014-11-11
From the Scientic WebPage
Minor Releases
Scientific Linux has plans to make a minor release based on each of the Enterprise Updates for the latest major release. Minor releases for the older major releases will occur much less frequently. So for the Scientific Linux 3.0.x line, we will make minor releases for each Enterprise Update, until Scientific Linux 4.0.x is released. We will then make the 4.0.x minor releases for each of the Enterprise 4 Updates, and only occasionally create a minor release for the 3.0.x line.
The minor releases will be named according to their corresponding update release. Hence, Scientific Linux 3.0.1 corresponded with Update 1, 3.0.2 will correspond with Update 2.
The minor releases will also be a time for the installer to be enhanced, programs to be added or removed, and other minor tweeking.
Administrators should be able to use yum or apt to get from one minor release to another, without much hassle.

I read this  as not being keeping up with minor releases.

Stephen Clark
Sr. Software Engineer III
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.clark@netwolves.com