over time the requirements and possibilities regarding filesystems changed for our users.
currently I'm faced with the question:
What might be a good way to provide one big filesystem for a few users which could also be enlarged; backuping the data is not the question.
Big in that context is up to couple of 100 TB may be.
O.K. I could install one hardware raid with e.g. N big drives format with xfs. And export one big share. Done.
On the other hand, e.g. using 60 4 TB Disks in one storage would be a lot of space, but a nightmare in rebuilding on a disk crash.
Now if the share fills up, my users "complain", that they usually get a new share (what is a new raidbox).
From my POV I could e.g. use hardware raidboxes, and use LVM and filesystem growth options to extend the final share, but what if one of the boxes crash totally? The whole Filesystem would be gone.
So how do you handle big filesystems/storages/shares?
Regards . Götz