Bob Taylor wrote:
Hi, I am writting this message in hope that you can be of a great help to me. My husband that has been on this site died suddenly Feb 4th) and I can not access my computer. He has a user name and password on the system. He has used the Linux and Red Hat to run the computer.... He would boot up the system and then I would do my email, documents, etc. I never thought to ask him his password or username. There is no one in our area that knows how to change the username and password on the Linux system... Can you or some one you may know help. I did find a Red Hat Boot disk... not sure what to do with it!!!!
in a nutshell, you boot the linux CD into 'linux rescue mode', then the usernames are in the /etc/passwd file on the mounted hard drive, which is I believe mounted as /a, so it would be /a/etc/passwd, and the passwords themselves are encrypted in /etc/shadow ... its easiest to edit /etc/shadow (probably as /a/etc/shadow due to the rescue mount), then just zap out the password field.
whoever does this has to be reasonably competent with unix command line tools like vi, there's no gui in the rescue environment.
a typical /etc/passwd file...
root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin: ....additional system accounts deleted... nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/: pierce:x:500:510:John R Pierce:/home/pierce:/bin/bash mudshark:x:502:510:Mud E Shark:/home/mudshark:/bin/bash
and the corresponding /etc/shadow file...
root:$**********************z/:13890:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134538772 bin:*:10810:0:99999:7::: ....system accounts trimmed..... nobody:*:10810:0:99999:7::: pierce:$******************0:14332:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134539876 mudshark:$*******************x:10815:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134538468
so two users on this systme are pierce and mudshark, everything before nobody is a system account. I replaced the bulk of the password hash with ******, you would remove everything between the : so a line would look like...
(note there's now two colons between the username and the next field)
now that account can log on without a password.
hopefully you can find someone who knows enough linux to make sense of this.