On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 1:26 PM, MHR mhullrich@gmail.com wrote:
Over the weekend, I had to make a technical support call on one of my DVD burners, and at one point the recorded message mentioned I should have my serial number handy. I thought there was a way to read that from at least one piece of software on the system, but I couldn't remember one and man -k on a number of subjects was unrevealing.
Can someone enlighten me (us)?
PITA. You will probably need to open the box and look at the label on the drive.
The Maxtor software I use to check our hard drives tells what the SN is, among other things.
Now, the company should be open. Possibly send their Tech Support an email and ask if there is a way for you to get the SN, without opening the box.
Two of our Dell Dimension boxes are very easy to open, if the plastic doesn't bend, but in our 3 other boxes, this would be a PITA.