On 08/21/2014 11:23 AM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
I'm sorry Mr. Jim Perrin, I'll disregard your request and I will stay on this side topic just for one more message.
Thank you.
Those [conspiracy] theories are reality not just theories, at least some (Mr Snowden, e.g.) put their life on line to tell us about it. If we do not care to listen, then we deserve to have what we have.
I don't disagree. This was why I added "(right or wrong)" to the message. The internet culture as a whole is one of constant surveillance. It's a common business model for online content distributors/marketers etc. There are numerous postings about this all over the internet.
I was quite displeased since quite some time ago that almost all web browsers, whenever I feed URL into location bar, do not go to that URL, but instead do the search with the search line that is that URL first. Not only when URL doesn't exist (for which case I too prefer not darn search but just an error message "URL doesn't exist"). Why would be that? What purpose does the search serve. You do your math. I still use often browsers with this "nasty" feature. I will mention one browser that doesn't to that unnecessary [unnecessary for me, of course] thing: midori. If someone has any other suggestions, please, let me know (you can e-mail me off the list if you prefer to respect Mr Jim Perrin's request). I also will mention one search engine that seems to be "clean" of nastiness to the best of my knowledge" DuckDuckGo:
My point, and I said this off-list as well to those who responded to me directly, is simply this:
I would rather keep the list technical and apolitical. I know we can't keep politics out of tech, but I would prefer to at least attempt to limit it on the mailing lists.
A discussion about alternatives and their technical merits would be fine and I have no problem with that. Derailing a 'how do I fix this' thread with a political discussion is something I'd like to avoid as a general rule.