On 2016-06-02 09:59, Sergio Belkin wrote:
2016-06-01 19:36 GMT-03:00 cpolish@surewest.net:
On 2016-06-01 09:53, Sergio Belkin wrote:
I have a problem, shame on me I feel as newbie, I cannot open Firefox though ssh.
ssh server is 7.2 and ssh client (running Xorg) is Fedora 23. Firefox
not open. I've tried a lot of methods, even adding xauth cookie, and for example:
firefox --no-remote --no-xshm
<snip />
Can you post the exact command used, for example: ssh -Y remotehostname /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox
I've tried:
ssh -vvv -Y -X user@sshserver
... which doesn't invoke firefox? Maybe try:
localserver $ ssh -Y username@servername sshserver $ xterm
to see if the problem is with firefox, or with the X connection.
Also check that package xorg-x11-xauth is installed (it probably is).
localserver $ ssh -Y username@servername sshserver $ rpm -q xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-xauth-1.0.9-1.el7.x86_64
If possible, log into a console session on the ssh server and see if firefox launches locally there.
Also check the environment on the remote system (ssh server) is set correctly once you've ssh'd to it:
localserver $ ssh -Y username@servername sshserver $ echo $DISPLAY localhost:10.0
Also check that the remote username is permitted access to the local X server:
localserver $ xhost + localserver $ ssh -Y username@servername sshserver $ firefox
Note that this leaves localserver X server -wide-open- from a security standpoint, so must be reversed after testing:
localserver $ xhost -
Hope that helps,