Greg Bailey wrote:
John Hinton wrote:
Does anybody have a good method for disabling SA checks on outbound email under sendmail running the spamass milter? Some of our Vhost accounts are getting flagged as spam on the way out due to being on a dirty ISP network.
John Hinton
I got around this by modifying /etc/sysconfig/spamass-milter, and using the "-i" option to ignore various IP addresses and/or networks. See spamass-milter(8).
So your /etc/sysconfig/spamass-milter might be changed to be:
--- spamass-milter.default 2007-03-08 11:40:11.000000000 -0700 +++ spamass-milter 2008-11-01 15:05:03.000000000 -0700 @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
### Default parameter for spamass-milter is -f (work in the background) ### you may add another parameters here, see spamass-milter(1) -#EXTRA_FLAGS="-m -r 15" +EXTRA_FLAGS="-m -r 5 -i aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd,eee.fff.ggg.0/24"
That is a pretty tough solution. Do like 500 hosting accounts with various ISPs, heck, even just dealing with one like Verizon would be nightmarish to manage. The list of exceptions would be huge. Add to that travelers on hand helds or hitting webmail from a cyber cafe and it becomes a pretty nasty list to manage. It seems like there should be a simple solution that simply deals with email generated by internal users, outbound vs. the world, inbound. My searching has provided no answers thus far.
Also, wouldn't this in essence whitelist inbound email from those same addresses? Most providers do dynamic IP addresses and what might be your user one hour might be a spammer's the next hour.
Thanks for any ideas...
John Hinton