I've been running into some problems with LVM thin provisioning in CentOS 6.3. Some of these I have reported to RH Bugzilla (e.g. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=883629). The upshot seems to be that in RHEL 6.3 the features are "preview" but in 6.4 they are "full featured/robust" (hopefully) and many of the bugs are fixed.
This raises the following questions:
1) When will either CentOS 6.4 be available, OR selected features (e.g. thin provisioning fixes) of RHEL 6.4 be available in CentOS 6.3?
2) Is there some way that I can help with the above?
3) Lastly, should I also file duplicate CentOS Bug Tracker (http://bugs.centos.org/view_all_bug_page.php) tickets on these items?
-- Charlie
Charles Butterfield, Chief Engineer Next Century Corporation
Phone: 443-545-3100 Direct: 443-545-3113
Fax: 443-285-0799 Email: Charles.Butterfield@nextcentury.com mailto:Charles.Butterfield@nextcentury.com
Web: www.nextcentury.com http://www.nextcentury.com/