Robert Arkiletian wrote:
Title says is all. Nice to know RH understands and accepts the relationship between CentOS and RHEL.
Although it is complex. After all, if too many choose CentOS, there may no longer be a CentOS. However, I don't think I would refer to CentOS as a "parasite" as the author Matt Asay does. More appropriate to call it symbiotic.
Is the relationship a 50/50 affair? Not sure.
Complicating matters even more is Oracle Unmistakable Linux.
Yeah, and the author *really* doesn't understand, and didn't bother to try, to do their research.
Excerpt: Arguably one critical area that CentOS hasn't helped Red Hat is with developers. While developers want the latest and greatest technology, Red Hat's bread-and-butter audience over the years has been operations departments, which want stable and predictable software. (Read: boring.) CentOS, by cloning RHEL's slow-and-steady approach to Linux development, is ill-suited to attracting developers. --- end excerpt ---
As I said....