2008/11/16 Nicolas Thierry-Mieg Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg@imag.fr:
Amos Shapira wrote:
I'll try to try to find or build something based on "rpm -qa" and "yum".
no reason to use yum: it's for resolving dependencies, but in your case they would already be resolved. Instead you could more simply and reliably wget the files and rpm -U them.
Right, except that this might require to re-implement yum's ability to find and download the right package from the right repository. Not sure what's the advantage of wget+rpm over a simple "yum install" then.
In the meantime, on another list I got the following recipe:
A. Installing the missing packages. (On the source machine:) $ rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME}-%{ARCH}\n" | sort > package_list.txt (On the target machine:) $ yum install -y $(cay package_list.txt)
B. Remove "extra" packages: (On the target machine:) $ rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME}-%{ARCH}\n" | sort > package_list_new.txt $ yum remove $(diff package_list_new.txt package_list.txt | grep ">" | cut -d">" -f2)
The provider of the above says it works for him on Fedora, CentOS and RHEL, so it sounds like it's been tested for a while.
I'll test it further before actually using it.