Have you considered a file transfer service such as yousendit.com? File size might still be an issue I guess as they limit it to 100 MB for their free account. There's another thought. Why not create yourself a gmail account or other such online account that is as forgiving as possible on file size and have her send it to that account. Probably the easiest solution of all, "Honey, use this email address instead: xxxx".
Jacques B.
Further to my last message, GigaSize.com allows up to 600 MB files on the free account. As for an alternate email address, Gmail imposes 20 MB, but LycosMail offers 3 gigs of storage, and unlimited attachment size (of course you must not exceed your 3 gig total I would expect). So create a lycos mail account and have her send it there. Easy for you, easy for her.
Jacques B.