At Sun, 7 Nov 2010 00:17:31 -0500 CentOS mailing list wrote:
I'm maintaining an internet-facing web server which is now running httpd 2.0.63 (httpd-2.0.63-2.el4s1.centos.2) which is now neary 2.5 years old(!?!). I need to move to either 2.0.64 or 2.2.12 or later. However, I've been unable to find available RPMs for such releases for CentOS 4.x.
I have to believe that others have these needs also. In light of this, how do others keep up with security upgrades for the httpd? I'm rather new to this aspect of things, so am still in the process of sorting things out in this regard.
Red Hat backports security updates (from newer versions). So long as you have been applying the standard O/S updates (eg 'yum update') regularly, your http is up-to-date WRT security updates.
Any help would be appreciated.