On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 02:36:27PM -0400, James B. Byrne wrote:
I need to install an HP Surestore dlt on a Centos 4 machine and I am at a loss as to how to proceed. Can someone either provide or point me to an online reference on how to proceed to add and configure a SCSI adapter and tape drive. I have read, but not really understood, the man page entry for st. Does kudzu handle this?
Regards, Jim
I am a digest subscriber so the favour of an additional direct reply is desired.
1) Install tape drive 2) Read the mt man page 3) Access the drive using either /dev/nst0 or /dev/st0
Thats all.
There is really no configuration needed, unless you want to setup compression values and such.
Gotta love SCSI.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)