On Friday 18 November 2005 21:59, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 20:30, Lamar Owen wrote:
What is the most critical injury on academic networks today? Think about it a while, as it's not what you think; but rooting a box has a lot to do with it, and it's on the inside network typically.
Unless its different than every other network, it's windows boxes loaded with spyware and spam-sending zombies.
Yes, this is correct. What are the lessons a Linux admin can learn from the Windows malware scourges, some of which don't require you to be running as an administrator-equivalent?
If anything, the spyware/zombie scourge should be the driving force behind SELinux adoption to prevent the same thing from happening to the Linux boxes (a well-place root hole and a linux-aware Windows spyware/worm, and your Linux box is owned from the inside). Is it too far of a leap to want to nip the coming scourge in the bud? Linux boxes are not immune as long as root holes exist that can leverage root's superuser powers, unfettered by role based and mandatory access controls. If there is no superuser in the traditional sense, the root hole is useless. Completely useless.
Firewalls are of no use, either. All it takes is a root hole in a program that is visible to the inside network with all the spyware laden Windows boxes (samba or cups, perhaps); rootkit the apache httpd installation with a fragrouting daemon which uses IP over HTTP tunneling (or a rootkitted bind and IP over DNS tunneling) and you are owned, ready to become another zombie, but this time from your server. With the typical wide-open outbound firewall rules, you're even ready to become a DDoS zombie.
You might think I'm paranoid; the black hats are indeed this devious and are indeed using devices like this today. If SELinux can help plug a few cracks, then it's worth learning and using.
I have had the experience of having a box get a rootkit; it is not a pleasant experience, and taught me a valuable lesson. Yes, the box had a firewall in front of it. No, it didn't help. While it was back in 1998, it is a lesson I will never forget.
The investigators who contacted me afterwards told me that this particular incident involved over 20,000 hosts, all compromised in the space of 14 hours. Scripted, using a BIND root hole. Hit my public DNS server; used carefully crafted packets on TCP port 53 for remote root shell. Happened before the patch was available for BIND. Happened before chrooted BIND was commonly available. The first file they transferred out was /etc/shadow.
The only common advice used today that would have thwarted that exploit was running BIND chrooted. It was a necessary service, and only necessary services were running. Patches were up to date; it was exploited prior to the vulnerability being publicly disclosed. Firewall was in place; hit on and used port 53 for all communication. Did not require a reboot. Rootkit installed replaced many (but not all) system utilities and covered tracks in the system logs. SELinux would have thwarted the vulnerability as surely as chroot would.
I found the rootkit by simple visual inspection about 25 minutes after the hack; I had just come to work, and had hit the SHIFT key to deactivate the console screen saver. On that virtual console, I always left an instance of 'top' running; the display was customized to show the data I was interested in. I caught the rootkit because the rootkit version of top didn't honor my customizations.
I was alerted by CERT of the hack two weeks later. They had traced the ftp transfer of the rootkit from a known compromised server to mine. I replied that I had already contained the problem, and had rebuilt the server from distribution media, and had upgraded the version of BIND. This was when I found out the extent of the attack.
I have had the 'rare' exploit used against my servers; everything that helps security without being too cumbersome is a big win in my book.