Hello Sir,
One more thing as per I think I have lost only file which responsible for GUI of the centos. If anyone has Idea which files I need to get Login and other explorer
screen back in action
There is no "explorer" - that's a Windows thing. You should have command line login using <ctrl><alt><f2>
Problem is Appearance of login window. System boots normally; now I will try out your said command.
I skimmed your other email - a) did you install for 64 bit?
b) did I see that you tried picking and choosing from what release?
Release 6.3
In any case, you need to do yum -y update and update your whole system to current.
Problem is I have installed Eucalyptus cloud,Snort IDS and now rSyslog ; so I am in fear that update
should not break anything wrt this components so that weird things I will face in future.
BTW, system is working fine before this incident.
If you're still having gui problems, you *might* have a driver issue. What video do you have?
I have not installed any video drivers before this. I tried to install one but it does not work. So I leave it as
everything was working fine before breakage of libgcc.686 package dependencies (as I remember)
And I also want to ask that is it possible to install that files from Putty; I have windows on other PC
There are no putty files to install on Linux. Putty will bring you in as
though you had ssh'd from another *Nix machine.
I am in SSH with this machine from long time. I am asking if I am unable to get GUI then I should try to install files
from PUTTY terminal or browse files with WinSCP.
What is your opinion sir??
Waiting for guidance,