On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 11:46 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
mkdir ~/gnome-backup-$(date +%F) && mv ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus ~/.gconf/apps/metacity ~/.gnome* ~/gnome-backup-$(date +%F)
Okay, so if I understand these commands correctly, this will back up my current Gnome settings in case anything goes horribly wrong.
But I still need to know if the steps I intend to take are correct:
1) Log out of GNOME. 2) Switch to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F1 should work). 3) Log in as yourself. 4) Run the commands. 5) Log out. 6) Switch back to X (Ctrl-Alt-F7). 7) Log into GNOME.
No package removal or installation necessary. Isn't Unix fun?!