On 05/15/2010 05:05 PM, Ned Slider informed us:
Robert wrote:
Only disappointment so far is that lm_sensors still doesn't grok the AMD K-10 thermal sensors - a situation I grumble about even as I file it in the "beggars can't be choosers" folder.
That's because your kernel does not have a k10temp driver - it was only introduced into the mainline kernel around 2.6.32. There is a backported driver in ELRepo:
yum install kmod-k10temp
Red Hat did do a huge backport refresh of the /hwmon tree in el5.5, but they pulled from around kernel-2.6.26 which was before k10temp made it into the mainline kernel.
Hope that helps.
Indeed! Many thanks. It hasn't helped yet but it will as soon as I get the yum-priorities straight. I'm pretty skiddish -- if not downright paranoid -- about repo mixing and I'm using all due caution before allowing yum to replace my existing lm_sensors-2.10.7-9.el5.i386 with the pre-requisite lm_sensors-2.10.8-2.el5.elrepo.i386.rpm.
Thanks again to you and to Yves, who also responded.