Hey dudes,
I've got a centOS 4.2 (clean reinstall) workstation and a Samba mount in my home directory where "c:\uploads" is a XP Home directory mounted as ~\uploads in my home directory. The file 'letter9feb.txt' exists in 'c:\uploads\fd\complaint' which i created from the smith box. I cannot save the 'letter9feb.txt' as it says its being used.
Error "Generic error" while copying "/home/smith/.../letter9feb.txt". (When trying to use Nautilus)
Could not save the file "/home/smith/uploads/fd/complaint/letter9feb.txt". Could not create a backup file. (When trying to use gedit)
[smith@jim complaint]$ mv letter9feb.txt letter9feb.txt~ mv: cannot move `letter9feb.txt' to `letter9feb.txt~': Text file busy
[smith@jim complaint]$ pwd /home/smith/uploads/fd/complaint
[smith@jim ~]$ grep samba /var/log/rpmpkgs samba-3.0.10-1.4E.2.i386.rpm samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E.2.i386.rpm samba-common-3.0.10-1.4E.2.i386.rpm system-config-samba-1.2.21-1.noarch.rpm
[root@jim ~]# service netfs status Active SMB mountpoints: /home/smith/uploads
[root@jim ~]# service netfs restart Unmounting SMB filesystems: umount: /home/smith/uploads: device is busy [FAILED] Mounting other filesystems: [ OK ]
[root@jim ~]# service netfs status Active SMB mountpoints: /home/smith/uploads
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