On Saturday, April 09, 2011 09:14 PM, Drew wrote:
cheap scsi raid? good luck. maybe something on ebay, but then its Caveat Emptor, and likely the raid batteries will be dead or dying.
What speed is your scsi backplane? you can't get Ultra/320 speeds across older backplanes that were designed for U80 or U160 speeds. in fact, I've had a few backplanes that were supposed to be U320 but only worked reliably at U160 speeds, would get SCSI protocol errors when pushed under high IO loads at U320. 64bit 33Mhz PCI will sustain about 200MB/sec, which is about all you can get out of a single channel of U160 or slower SCSI anyways.
In that case there's no real point upgrading. :-) The drives are U160's.
The key is the backplane, not the drives. You should be able to get u320 speeds if you have enough u160 drives.
I was just hoping a slightly newer card might be available that'd give me a speed boost for cheap. :-)
Again, like John posted, it depends on whether your backplane(s) can feed the u320 card and whether its bus can take the bandwidth.