On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 3:14 PM, aurfalien@gmail.com wrote:
On Jan 21, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Jay Leafey wrote:
aurfalien@gmail.com wrote:
No hard links, some sym links. But I see what you are saying. Here is my crontab entry via /etc/crontab
- 22 * * * root rsync --delete -avvH --progress source target
- aurf
So you want rsync to run every minute in the 10 PM hour? I think that first "*" needs to be replaced with a number designating the minute within the hour during which you want it to start. What you have there would kick off separate jobs at 22:00, 22:01, 22:02, etc.
I think I been staring at the screen too long.
Thanks for that catch, my bad.
I am a lamerz.
May I say "no"? You looked for help when you needed it, you provided the relevant information, and you provided more data when asked to solve the issue. And you understood the answer.
I've *met* lamerz. You are merely a person who made a mistake. Glad you noticed and got it fixed.