On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Buz Davis buzdavis@earthlink.net wrote:
On Mon, 14 Sep 2009 Akemi Yagi wrote
You need the i586 kernel for the AMD K6 machines. Bad news is CentOS 5 does not support it. Good news is CentOS 4 supports it.
Visit http://i586.centos.org/centos/4/ and you will find what is required to boot your system. Once booted, type 'linux i586' to start the installation.
Thanks for the information. I did visit the link and found what I interpreted as a replacement iso for the first disk of 4. Did I misinterpret something ? I downloaded disks 2 through 4 from the Ga. Tech mirror and burned them as well, all apparently without error. However, when I attempted to run a media check from "i586 text nousb" the first disk passed but the others resulted in "unable to find install image on /tmp/cdrom" (or something close to that, I am quoting from memory). I looked at the disks and they appear to be OK, and I burned them with the same commands I used for disk 1. Does this mean I needed to gets disks 2 through 4 elsewhere ? Only disk 1 of the set was on the link I visited.
Did you download disks 2 to 4 for CentOS 4.8? Can you check the hash values of the iso flles?
Also, if you have a reasonably good connection to the net, you can try a net install by booting from disk 1.