On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Boris Epstein borepstein@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
Does anybody know of an editor that can do on Linux what Acrobat / Acrobat Pro can do on Mac/Windows? I have tried to use the PDF Import extension to the Open Office which appears barely functional - at least it is so slow as to be almost impractical. I have also tried pdfedit under Linux which seems to work fine but seems to have rather limited functionality. For instance, the capability to make bookmarks or to search through the whole document (as opposed to the current page) seems to be missing there.
Any tips much appreciated.
Hi again,
Just to update you on the situation: the best solution I have found thus far is a commercial but cheap one named PDFStudio ( http://www.qoppa.com/psindex.html ). Prices are under US $100. Seems to be doing all we need (much like the Adobe Acrobat Pro ).