On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:18 AM, Sorin Srbu Sorin.Srbu@orgfarm.uu.se wrote:
Hi all,
Just recently I started getting the dreaded message about my CentOS 6.7 x64-installation wasn't going to be supported anymore by Google Chrome.
"This computer will soon stop receiving Google Chrome updates because this Linux system will no longer be supported."
Doing some google searches I found this;
Which in itself wasn't too uplifting... Following the suggestion about installing Chromium instead worked, but it seems to be stuck at an ancient version of the browser.
Recompiling the available Chromium source is of course an option, but not for me. Not unless there are step-by-step guides doing it.
There was a rather long and somewhat heated discussion regarding Chrome on CentOS a while ago. Was there any real conclusion about Google Chrome on CentOS and how to get around this problem? Are the views on this matter still infected?
I'm not looking forward to go back to the sluggish Firefox. 8-/
-- BW, Sorin
Please answer the original question (again) CentOS folks.
Where are we with getting the RHEL version of Chromium available for CentOS?
There should be no technical reason why we can't get a working, up to date, and therefore secure version of chromium running on CentOS 6.7!!