Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
Feizhou wrote:
AFAIK there is NO hotswap support in Centos 4 unless libata with hotswap support was backported to the latest Centos 4 errata kernel.
I figured that out when I shoved the drive in and CentOS 4 just stared at me, like nothing happened...
Note: I have since then rebuild the machine with CentOS 5, and since doing so the drives were already in the chassis so I never tried doing this with v5 yet. Maybe some time in the future as we add more drives to the system...
If you have two drives and you are using them as a mirror you can try unplugging one of them if you are still free to mess around. :P
If I have not read wrong, there should be no 'echo add/remove-single-device "${SCSI LUN}" > /proc/scsi/scsi' magic needed like you do on 2.4...