On 29/06/18 07:03, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
I am in the initial study phase of putting together a larger virtual server while using Centos 7.5 as the operating system of choice for the individual virtual machines.
How do you all like VMware for this, or what other software allows for the development of virtural servers that use Centos 7.5
Thanks ahead of time for giving me a head start with your experiences!!!!
We're using KVM/Qemu on CentOS 7.
We changed away from VMware after a lot of trouble with poorly supported infiniband drivers (particularly for RDMA and especially SRP with multipathing to OpenIndiana based ZFS backend storage). Infiniband support on CentOS is mature and actively supported upstream. In comparison with VMware where we were left to manually install drivers available from OFED (a complete pain to do with every upgrade and left us with regular 'Purple Screens of Death').
KVM/Qemu + libvirt also gave us the ability to do live migrations without having to buy into a higher level of support on VMware.
On the stack we run Windows Servers/Clients, Linux Servers (CentOS 5,6,7; Arch; Ubunutu). Virt-Manager allows reasonable graphical tools for management but there's so much you can do with scripting through virsh and generally with other OS tools (bash, python, etc.).
I've recently dabbled with an old piece of hardware to implement a ZFS on Linux CentOS 7 KVM/Qemu host. This has worked really well but I haven't put any effort in to expanding the configuration to share storage via SRPt or iSCSI Targets even though these options are possible.
Having made the jump from VMware to KVM/Qemu on CentOS 7, I wouldn't look back.