Args are always a good thing....try the following:
perl -e 'use BerkeleyDB; my $db = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(-Home => "/var/tmp/", -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER|DB_INIT_TXN|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_LOG, -SetFlags => DB_AUTO_COMMIT|DB_TXN_NOSYNC,) or die "blah";'
And it now works....i think your postgrey version is old.... did you try this version...
Jason Dixon wrote:
Hi folks:
I've recently migrated one of my production servers (bad Jason!) from WBEL to CentOS 3.3 using Donavan's instructions in the FAQ ( While it was as painless as the document suggests, I've run into problems with postgrey (a postfix greylisting daemon) on my server. Whenever I try to start postgrey, I get the following error (trimmed from maillog):
ERROR: can't create DB environment: No such file or directory
A little research led me to find the error was caused by a call to BerkeleyDB::Env->new() in postgrey. I can recreate it in a simple Perl one-liner:
perl -e 'use BerkeleyDB; my $db = BerkeleyDB::Env->new() or die "blah";'
This leads me to believe that something is wrong with db4, so I upgraded (--force) to the CentOS db4 package. Unfortunately, this had no effect. Speaking with Dag in IRC a couple nights back, he believes my only recourse may be to "pin" my apt sources and attempt to upgrade all of my WBEL-based packages to their CentOS counterparts. I would really like to avoid this; if necessary, I think I'd prefer to try and upgrade from the 3.3 ISO.
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this?
-- Jason Dixon DixonGroup Consulting
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