Jerry Geis wrote:
I have a desktop unit with a sempron 2500+ to play with. doing "more /proc/cpuinfo" indicates cpu Mhz as1044 not the 2500
I am familiar with cpuspeed. doing ps ax | grep cpuspeed resulting in nothing. I did service cpuspeed start. No errors reported. ps ax | grep cpuspeed resulted in nothing.
I was going to do "killall -SIGUSR1 cpuspeed" to attempt to get 2500+ cpu speed.
I am compiling wine right now so I havent gotten back into the BIOS. Is there another way to get the FULL cpu speed.
CentOS mailing list
AMD labels a 2500+ as being equal in speed to an intel processor. This doesn't mean the sempron is runing at that speed. Its only to compare the proccesing power of the sempron with an equal intel processor. However 1044Mhz looks still slow as it should be 1743Mhz. Maybee you should check to see if your bios is set up correctly.