Antonio, thank you for reply.
On 06/16/2015 12:22 PM, Antonio S. Martins Jr. wrote:
----- "g" escreveu:
i want to sync my desktop home directory to my laptop home directory. i am using KDE for desktop.
a problem that i foresee is the different screens between the 2.
i synced using;
rsync -a -u -v -e ssh /home/geo geo@
with intent of in laptop's /home;
mv geo mv geo
what files and directories in 'org' directory need to be copied to the 'new' directory so that i will maintain screen setup in laptop?
I'm using unison ( to do this. It can sync in both ways if files are changed on both sides between syncs.
i did not recognize the site, but when i connected to it and started to bookmark it, i saw that i already had it bookmarked.
in checking, i found that it was from 2009-0514-09:08 pm when i ran a search for backup and recovery sites.
i pulled the docs and tar file to check out later.
And, IMHO it's better to filter out the directories that contain configuration for the systems, or better, sync only the documents and other pertinent files.
i agree, and i have already started writing scripts for both desktop and laptop to sync just the common, _non_unique_ directories and files.
so, back to my original question, worded differently.
what directories and files should not be copied so that configs for desktop/laptop do not corrupt configs for laptop/desktop screen?
i am presuming that '.KDE' is one of them, and what else?
i can got thru all directories and files, which would take time and is what i am wanting to avoid. call me lazy. ;-)