Question about differences in RHEL 4.1 and CentOS 4.1 organization. Does CentOS follows same organization as RHEL? I don't see separate directory for 4.1 on Red Hat's ftp server (well, the public part of it, with SRPM packages), seems like all the updates were simply dumped into the 4.0 updates area, so basically doing normal system upgrade will bump all RHEL 4.0 systems to 4.1.
On the other hand, on CentOS site, there is a separate directory for 4.1, with distinct set of packages for 4.1 that are not present in 4.0 update area. So basically, one would need to manually point yum to 4.1 directory tree to fully update system with latest bug fixes.
Is this difference in approach intentional? Or the acutal update process (for those with RHEL subscriptions) is actually like the one for CentOS? How do you determine what packages were "regular" updates, and which packages were part of U1?
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