On Mon, 06 Dec 2010 11:38:49 -0500, Brunner, Brian T. wrote:
The number after the S and K determine the order in which they're run. S01 starts things which S02-S99 might require; S02 might depend on S01 and provide service the S03-S99 stuff requires. And, so on. The K scripts *generally* follow the reverse order on the logic that nothing is shut down while something else might require it. Therefore a service with S01 has K99, what is S02 has K98, and so on.
I'd (personally) guess at the Wild Blue that your Kxx kill script has a high enough number that it's shutting your app down after something else has been shut down, on which your app depends, without which your app throws an exception. That's why (guess based on previous guess) if you kill your app then shut down, everything is happy.
General Rule of Thumb: Sxx -> K(100-xx)
It is K03...