On Mon, 2006-12-18 at 19:15 +0100, Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
Hi all,
I'm setting up a CentOS 4 in AMD64 box. The goal is to mount a terminal server with LTSP software. Currenlty I'm in troubles with the multimedia support. I've added Dag's, Karanbir's and Dries' repositories according that.
¿Is there some intention to make a multimedia group as others groups (FTP Server, Web Server... etc)? It would be great.
¿What packages do you recommend to me for that (I supose lame, mplayer...)?
¿Is there any way to install w32codecs package in my AMD64 box?
---- I am much more familiar with 32 bit and would tend to lean towards Fedora Core 6 (or maybe wait for CentOS 5) for workstations wanting to run media content but it would seem that you would need to install a media player application like mplayer or vlc. I don't know of any group list for installing them.
Anyway, this should somewhat work for (recalling from Fedora)...
video yum install mplayer mplayerplug-in mplayer-skins mplayer-fonts
audio yum install xmms xmms-mp3 xmms-aac xmms-skins
lame probably works too.