Am 29.07.10 14:31, schrieb Lars Hecking:
G?tz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator writes:
I plan to reorganise our IP management and I'd like to implement a slave DHCP server. Right now we assign IP addresses based on the ethernetadress of a client 1:1.
The tutorial here [1] is simple and looks like the thing I need.
I do have a lot of subnetworks and my cisco router has an DHCP helper address set. I know I'll have to add the second dhcp-server address.
My questions now is:
Dose the dhcp-slave syncs the dhcp data from the master?
Or do I have to copy the data to the master AND slave?
Any other sugesstions or comments?
The servers will balance the pool(s) between them. It's actually fun (for personal preference values of "fun") to tail the logs on both servers after starting the slave and watch dhcpd communicate.
So they "only" balance the pool and no 1:1 assignment from IP:Host-MAC-address.
hm ...
Thanks for your answere.
Cheers - Götz