I want to rename some volume groups and logical volumes.
I was not surprised when it would not let me rename active volumes.
So I booted up the system using the CentOS 5.5 LiveCD, but the LiveCD makes the logical volumes browsable using Nautilus, so they are still active and I can't rename them.
/usr/sbin/lvchange -a n VolGroup00/LogVol00
but it still says:
LV VolGroup00/LogVol00 in use: not deactivating
If its mounted you'll need to unmount it before you can deactivate it, and if its in use you wont be able to unmount it....
I'm guessing that with a name like VolGroup00/LogVol00 its probably the root filesystem so probably the best procedure is to boot from your live CD, then
umount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 and you should then be able to deactivate it then do your lvrename/vgrename stuff
You'll also need to change any entry it may have in /etc/fstab before you reboot back onto the internal disks, or it wont mount on bootup and if its the root filesystem thats pretty fatal!