On 9/21/11, Al Sparks data345@yahoo.com wrote:
Some observations.
When I installed 6.0 (base install), the installation interface did not guide me through a network configuration. I do static IP addresses, not DHCP.
IIRC, it's in this small unobstrusive rectangular box that says "Setup Networking" or something like that in the lower left corner in the screen that ask for hostname. I'm not sure if this was the way upstream or adjustments made by the CentOS devs, but I'm guessing that the assumption is most people are going for DHCP-based installs so it saves some time.
Anyway, I wasn't able to find a configuration program like "netconfig" to help me out. Seems like a pretty big omission.
Any thoughts? Am I missing something?
I think it's been mentioned that was taken out. In any case, I've been getting used to turning off NetworkManager and editing ifcfg-xxx and /etc/resolv. Compared to obscurities like samba and libvirt, I'll say these are pretty doable in nano.