Rock wrote:
On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 11:26:27 -0500, m.roth-x6lchVBUigD1P9xLtpHBDw wrote:
Back to the question: have you spoken to level two, at least, tech support of your provider of network access, to see if they have some explanation?
My WISP provider is as perplexed as I because I'm the first subscriber to have this problem, he says.
He thinks it's on the Centos side of things.
Does tech support have the same problem?
I mean, here on our internal network, some idiot blocked the BBC; after I put in a ticket, they unblocked it... then contacted me, and I found the main page was unblocked... but *every* article link was still blocked, and the guy I was talking to told me he could see them... but someone he was working with couldn't.... They did, finally fix it, and claimed it had happened to to a phishing attack....