Amos Shapira wrote:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Amos Shapira wrote:
As far as I'm aware DRBD works fine for me. Is there a way I can find
about the new release and weather I should upgrade?
Basically, see the details here:
According to this link, drbd 8 is the "stable" one and 8.2 is still in development.
That is up to you :D .. but drbd82 (which is currently drbd-8.2.5) is a replacement for drbd-8.0.x for CentOS-5.
If you look at the site, drbd-7 is really no longer getting any updates and is moving towards EOL in October 2008, and drbd-8.0.x is feature frozen and not getting any more features, though it will get security only updates from linbit.
Sounds like just what I need - it (8.0) works for me, stable, and gets security updates.
Not in CentOS ... centos is running the drbd82 branch, it is an update for drbd-8 and I won't be puttin gany more drbd-8 stuff in centos-5 extras.
So now - more of a "yum" question - what can I put in some file to prevent yum from trying to upgrade drbd8 to drbd82 for now?
Thanks very much for your reply.
Please see this discussion thread with one of the drbd devels where they say 8.2 is the one to use: